Stay Curious

2 min readMay 6, 2022

How do we try and enthuse our learners and teams to be creative? Many people when asked would say they are not creative but in our recent podcast with @TheTechRabbi we explored what creativity is and how it is something which takes consistent practice to develop.

As he puts it, creativity is like a marathon and you would never turn up with no training to a marathon, so we maybe need to take the same approach and not just dive in feet-first but commit to small practices and training for distance to develop the habit of creativity.

Creativity is also a mindset and goes hand in hand with curiosity. After all, curiosity killed the cat so it must be bad, right? Totally incorrect. Being curious creates an enthusiasm for learning and a passion for it, and this is applicable beyond education.

@SirKenRobinson asked if schools kill creativity; what if we nurtured it? If we do, students may just want to explore lifelong learning. Some organisations do this really well through passion projects and 20% time. Gmail. Adsense. Post-Its. Google News all came this way.

We also discussed with the @TheTechRabbi his curiosity for Web3 and NFTs. He gave some great advice for anyone wanting to start and explore this and we will summarise this below.

#1 — Create a circle — This is a group of advisors and friends on social media and in real life who will help and guide you when it comes to learning all the acronyms, technicalities and to find some worthwhile projects and ideas to try.

#2 — Spend no money (initially) — To explore and find out more about things such as NFTs, spend time exploring and learning what they are, and enjoy learning more about them. Become obsessed. There are great sources of information out there — curate them.

#3 — Learn quickly — Consume as much as you can and as quickly as you can, as it is evolving at such a rapid pace that your knowledge becomes outdated. Sign up to newsletters, follow influencers and do the research — then reflect on it all.

#4 — Invest only what you can — Finally, of course, if you get to a position to invest financially in projects, don’t gamble what you can’t afford to! There are loads if attractive currencies, collections & courses — do the work to check them out & then be wise.

If you want to learn more about any more of this, you can find like mind conversations around everything Web3 and Education3 at and perhaps join their Discord server.

Check out the full podcast episode #178 Stay Curious with The Tech Rabbi on Youtube or on your usual podcast provider.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

